The sky’s the limit at this family-friendly, celestial day of art and exploring! See how works of art at Laguna Gloria are influenced by the sky above, from the luminous Luna to a giant figure looking skyward.
Take in a lofty performance by aerial performers Sky Candy (performances at 1P and 2P), then stop by the Mobile Planetarium to see the night sky. Make starry art to take home and make your mark on our temporary graffiti wall, inspired by the colorful world of artist Mark Freeland!
Also be sure to grab a tasty bite from our food truck friends Wholly Cow Burgers, Rosarito, The Great Y’all, and Cold Ones Pops at the event.
Paintings and books by artist Mark Freeland will be available for purchase during Museum Day as a fundraiser for The Contemporary Austin’s Education Fund. Look for our booth to support our arts education initiatives in the community!
FREE for all visitors.