The Contemporary Austin is proud to take part in the Austin Museum Partnership’s annual citywide cultural celebration. Along with over forty institutions around Austin, we offer engaging performances, art-making activities, artist demonstrations, docent-led tours, and free admission.
This year, explore our multi-artist exhibition, The Sorcerer’s Burden, at both museum sites. At the Jones Center, make a clay pinch pot relic or a memory bouquet with guidance from performers from The Hideout Theatre!
At Laguna Gloria, create a mythical beast that might live at the sculpture park with spray paint and watercolors, or dig into some snow as you explore the art inside the Driscoll Villa. Grab a bite to eat at a food truck or epicerie at The Contemporary and plan to spend the day at one or both museum sites!
RSVP in advance to be entered to win a prize package from The Contemporary Austin, including a one-year Dual Membership, a free class at the Art School, and a set of notecards featuring works of art from Laguna Gloria!
For more information, visit Austin Museum Partnership’s Website here.