IMAGE: David Deming, Mystic Raven, 1983. Welded polychrome steel. 264 x 192 x 72 inches. Installation view, The Contemporary Austin – Laguna Gloria (formerly the Laguna Gloria Art Museum), Austin, Texas, circa 1992. Collection of The Contemporary Austin. Gift of TRST Congress, Inc., 1992.10. Artwork © David Deming. Image courtesy The Contemporary Austin.

Community Input Meeting with Pease Park Conservancy

Lamar Senior Activity Center, 2874 Shoal Crest Avenue

Join The Contemporary Austin and Pease Park Conservancy invites the community to a public input meeting as we discuss two proposed outdoor artworks for Pease Park: Artist David Deming's Mystic Raven and a Stickwork sculpture by artist Patrick Dougherty.

The purpose of the meeting is to review these two proposed public art installations, which will be a part of the City of Austin's Austin Art in Public Places Program. Both art installations will be presented at the Arts Commission's October meeting for final approval.

As Austin’s only museum solely committed to artist-centric projects and collaborations, The Contemporary Austin offers exhibitions, educational opportunities, and events that spark conversations and fuel the city’s creative spirit at the downtown Jones Center on Congress Avenue, the Laguna Gloria sculpture park, and at public spaces through the Museum Without Walls program. The Contemporary in collaboration with David Deming, artist and former dean of the College of Fine Arts at The University of Texas at Austin, look forward to bringing Mystic Raven back to the Austin community at Pease Park after thirty-five years. More information on the artist and his work can be found at

The Pease Park Master Plan was unanimously approved by the Austin City Council in October 2014. A key recommendation outlined in the Plan was the introduction of public art in the park. With that in mind, the Conservancy is excited to announce that Patrick Dougherty has agreed to create one of his internationally acclaimed Stickwork sculptures in Pease Park. More information on the artist and his work can be found at

Questions and comments about The Contemporary Austin’s Museum Without Walls installation of David Deming’s Mystic Raven can be sent to Nicole Chism Griffin at [email protected]. Inquiries regarding the Pease Park Master Plan and Patrick Dougherty’s Stickwork sculptures can be sent to Andrew Gill at [email protected].