Second Saturdays are for Families

Take Me to the River

This month we celebrate the waterways in Central Texas by making artwork in collaboration with water – marbling!

The water that runs through this part of Texas has a long history. It is a life-saving force to the people, animals and plants that thrive in this part of the country, and that has always been true.

We also welcome The City of Austin’s Watershed Protection team out to teach us more about the water in our area and what we can do to protect it.

Inspired by both exhibitions on view at the Jones Center, This Land and HOST: Aryel René Jackson, we are excited to bring opportunities to Laguna Gloria to explore our physical relationship to the landscape, engage with the history and function of native plants, and even make art with or inspired by nature!

About The City of Austin’s Watershed Protection Program:

Watershed Protection protects lives, property and the environment of our community by reducing the impact of flood, erosion and water pollution.

Austin is particularly vulnerable to these flooding, erosion and water quality problems due to our torrential downpours and rocky landscape. We have a multi-tiered approach including a wide variety of ongoing programs such as Grow Green and the Lady Bird Lake Cleanup Crew; construction projects such as stormwater ponds and streambank restorations; and regulations to help prevent future problems. We are mostly funded by the drainage charge on utility bills.