IMAGE: Terry Allen, Road Angel (detail), 2016. Bronze with audio and light. 65 x 181 x 81 1/2 inches. Installation view, The Contemporary Austin – Betty and Edward Marcus Sculpture Park at Laguna Gloria, Austin, Texas, 2016. Artwork © Terry Allen. Courtesy the artist and L.A. Louver. Commissioned by The Contemporary Austin with funds provided by the Edward and Betty Marcus Foundation. Image © The Contemporary Austin. Photograph by Brian Fitzsimmons.

Teacher Workshop: Summer Studio Spectacular

Be part of a wonderful week of studio experimentation and art looking at The Contemporary Austin, with guest artist workshops, studio explorations, sculpture park tours, and more!

This is a studio-based teacher workshop for all types of educators. No art experience is required, just an open mind!

Summer Studio Spectacular meets at Laguna Gloria, July 10–14 (Monday through Friday), from 10A to 2P each day.

Workshop Cost: $60 for Members, $70 General Registration. Please call 512 453 5312 to register with credit card. To request an invoice, please contact Emily Cayton, Educator for Teachers and Docents, at [email protected].