IMAGE: Spinning Plates, 2013.

Good Taste: Spinning Plates

Co-presented with Edible Austin

Gather amid Orly Genger’s cascading monumental installation in the Laguna Gloria amphitheater for an evening celebrating restaurants as sites of creativity and community. View Spinning Plates, 2013, a sumptuous documentary about three diverse restaurants and the people who bring them to life. Light bites and cocktails will be provided by local restaurateurs, who will also share the highs and heartbreaks that come with the business. Picnics encouraged! Guests are welcome to bring blankets or camp chairs.

Special Restaurateur Guests and Participants

Chef-owners Chris Hurley and Jennifer Costello of The Bonneville

Owner Murph Willcott of Texas French Bread

Co-owner and Chef Iliana de la Vega of El Naranjo

Austin Beerworks

Paula’s Texas Spirits

Event starts at 7:30P, film at 8:30P.