Presented during April in conjunction with HOST: Fusebox
Josh and Matt want to make a show that explores the theatrical and social potential of treadmills. But here’s the hitch: All of their work developing this show has to occur ON motorized treadmills. For 18 hours over Fusebox weekend, they’ll never stop moving along America’s favorite instruments of atonement. Drop by The Museum of Human Achievement to see what they’re up to, participate in the creative process, and maybe bring them a little snack?
Created and performed by Josh Meyer and Matt Hislope in conjunction with HOST: Fusebox.
When to see Rubber Rep perform at MoHA:
April 12 (Fri): 2–8P
April 13 (Sat): 9A–3P
April 14 (Sun): 9A–3P
"In thinking about artists that have created live performances in Austin during the past 20 years, I can think of few more exciting/interesting/memorable than Matt and Josh from Rubber Repertory. Their performances have a forever place in so many Austinite's imaginations (mine included). They have pretty much achieved legendary status. In thinking about the HOST: Fusebox exhibition, it was incredibly exciting to think about engaging with Matt and Josh, both as a way to honor their contribution to Fusebox and the city of Austin over the past twenty years, but also as an invitation to begin work on a new project." - Ron Berry, Co-Founder and Co-Artistic Director, Fusebox.
“What's wonderful about Rubber Repertory is that they take the concepts, the tenets, the expectations of theatre, and blow them out of the water.” - Avimaan Syam, Austin Chronicle
Rubber Repertory is an Austin-based experimental theatre company. Founded by Josh Meyer and Matt Hislope, they’re known for having created some of the most memorable Austin performances of the past 20 years. The Casket of Passing Fancy (supported by the MAP Fund) gave each attendee a choice of 500 extraordinary experiences, some of which continue to this day. At Home With Dick invited a few people at a time into the apartment of a legendary songwriter who hadn't left it in years. And Biography of Physical Sensation allowed audience members to experience another person’s life entirely through tastes, touches, sounds, and smells.
Because RR’s work defies easy categorization, awards committees often find it necessary to create special distinctions. Past shows received awards for Unique Theatrical Experience, Outstanding Site-Specific Work, Outstanding Late Night Adventure, Outstanding Theatrical Innovation, and Outstanding None of the Above. They also received the Fractured Atlas Arts Entrepreneurs of the Year award for their pop-up artist residency program, hosted in a Civil War-era church in Lawrence, Kansas.
In 2020, they emerged from an indefinite hiatus with an open menu restaurant dedicated to serving a single customer each day.