With Liberty and Justice for All Film Series: Two Spirits

Roof opens 7:30P, Films at 8:30P. Tickets at the door, suggested ticket price, $5–10.

Come early and enjoy the sunset on the roof deck before the film. Meet our community partner organizations and learn how you can get more involved.

Food and drink available for cash purchase from Royal Blue Grocery, picnics welcome!

Jim Hodges’s sculpture With Liberty and Justice for All (A Work in Progress) is a pledge, a call to action, and a platform for dialogue. Join us we consider this work of art in the context of films about intersectional LGBTQ themes.

Two Spirits

Two Spirits interweaves the tragic story of a mother’s loss of her child with a revealing look at a time when many Native American cultures held places of honor for people of integrated genders. This documentary explores the life and murder of a boy who was also a girl, and the essentially spiritual nature of gender. (Directed by Lydia Nibley, 2009, 65 min.)

Following the film, stay for a discussion with local documentary filmmaker PJ Raval, who will share a sneak peek preview of his upcoming documentary that focuses on the brutal murder of a transwoman in the Philippines by a U.S. Marine. This project is supported in part by the Cultural Arts Division of the City of Austin Economic Development Department.

Meet our community partner organizations!
Equality Texas
Human Rights Campaign
OUTsider Fest
Texas Two Spirits Society

Also Screening

May 4: Naz & Maalik
May 18: Crossing Over: Stories of Immigration and Identity
May 25: The Watermelon Woman